Model: 523119
Gervilimur með sogskál.
Hann er mjög raunverulegur útlits og úr mjúku efni. Stífur en sleipur.
Lengd: 23cm. Þvermál: 4 -4.5cm...
5.037 kr. 8.395 kr.
Fyrir vsk:4.062 kr.
Brand: You2Toys
Model: 524158
Average as the optimum!
This skin-coloured, flexible, penis-shaped dildo is just waiting to shown you some love: with its pronounced head, veined shaft and impressive testicles, it leaves absolutely nothing to be desired. What’s more, the suction cup on the dildo makes it sure to withstand your wild..
2.811 kr. 4.685 kr.
Fyrir vsk:2.267 kr.
Brand: You2Toys
Model: 523127
Gervilimur með sogskál.
Hann er mjög raunverulegur útlits og úr mjúku efni. Stífur en sleipur.
Lengd: 23cm. Þvermál: 4 -4.5cm...
5.037 kr. 8.395 kr.
Fyrir vsk:4.062 kr.
Brand: NMC
Model: 524450
Húðlitaður limur með smá bleikum blæ. Eistu og öflug sogskál. Mjög sveigjanlegur. Lengd 16 cm. Þvermál 3-4 cm...
3.297 kr. 5.495 kr.
Fyrir vsk:2.659 kr.
Brand: Easytoys Dildo Collection
Model: ET175SKN
If you like the feeling of handling the real thing, then make sure you add this realistic dildo to your collection of sex toys. Its rounded, swollen head makes insertion easy and super satisfying. Put the dildo on any surface and enjoy hands free time with yourself or your partner. Its soft, supple ..
1.617 kr. 2.695 kr.
Fyrir vsk:1.304 kr.
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